August 16: School Colors Night
August 23: Freckles Night
August 30: Inside-Out Night
September 6: Goofy Glasses Night
September 13: Sports Night
September 20: Bring A Friend Night
September 27: Fall Break, No Awana
October 4: Pastor Appreciation Night (Store)
October 11: Bandana Night
October 18: Fall Leaves Night
October 25: Hero Night
November 1: Mustache Night
November 8: Red, White, and Blue Night
November 15: Food Pantry Night (benefits Boys Home)
November 22: Thanksgiving, No Awana
November 29: Tie-Dye Night
December 6: Pizza Party (Store)
December 13: Tacky Christmas Shirt Night
December 20: Christmas Break, No Awana
December 27: Christmas Break, No Awana
January 3: Christmas Break, No Awana
January 10: Silly Socks Night
January 17: Duct Tape Night
January 24: Light the Night
January 31: Pirate Night
February 7: Face Paint Night
February 14: Hearts Night
February 21: Layers Night
February 28: Crazy Hair Night
March 13: Camo Night (Store)
March 20: Favorite Hat Night
March 27: Leader Appreciation
April 3: Spring Break, No Awana
April 10: Dots & Stripes Night
April 17: Penny Night
April 24: Nifty Neon Night
May 1: Cinco de Mayo Night (Store)
May 8: Review and Catch-Up
Welcome to Awana Clubs for Kids at Waypoint!
Awana is full of fun events like crazy theme nights and celebrations. We have challenges to help keep the goals of giving and missions emphasis before us.
So clubbers can get the most out of club nights, Awana is divided into specific age groups. Cubbies are for preschoolers aged three and four; Sparks is for children in grades kindergarten, first, and second grades; Truth in Training (T&T) are children in grades third, fourth, and fifth. Older students in sixth through 12th grade can continue in Awana by individual study, please contact me if interested.
The Awana Calendar 2023-2024 will help you keep track of theme nights. Sometimes we have to re-schedule theme nights, but we will let you know by email.
We look forward to working with you as you “train up your child in the way he should go” and as we all teach your child about God, His love, and His purpose for us.
In His Service,
Susan Rivers
Waypoint Awana Director
All About Awana
Awana stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed which comes from 2 Timothy 2:15: “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.”
Each Wednesday from 6:30-8 pm, clubbers participate in three general activities:
Game Time: stressing healthy competition with emphasis on having fun and good sportsmanship–win or lose!
Lesson: teaching from God’s word in a way that is fun and relevant to the children’s lives!
Handbook Time: consists of time spent where clubbers recite Bible verses from their handbooks.
Each clubber should wear an official Awana uniform. Uniforms can be purchased online or on the first night of club. Clubbers earn points for wearing their uniforms, along with bringing their books and Bibles, so they are going to want to wear their uniforms every single Wednesday. We also ask that clubbers wear tennis shoes instead of sandals or Crocs.
Dues are $40 per year per child. The maximum cost of dues per family is $75. Dues cover awards, Awana Store items, and the end of year celebration. Uniforms, handbooks, and other merchandise can be ordered online (or in person) and picked up from your club director. If financial situations are prohibiting you from enrolling your child(ren) in Awana, please contact the church office at 770.781.5433 or by email for a scholarship application. We want all children to attend Awana and learn of God’s love for them!
We believe in positive discipline and always try to praise good behavior. However, not all behavior is good. When a child struggles with disruptive, disrespectful, or dangerous behavior, we follow a standard protocol. If the child’s leader determines that the issue cannot be resolved by simple methods, the leader will “count” warnings to the child. “One” is a warning that the next offense will bring greater consequences. If the behavior continues and a child gets “Two” he will be taken to the club director for counseling. You as a parent will be notified of the behavior and consequences. If the clubber continues to disrupt the group, the clubber will be placed on “Three” at which point you will be called to pick up your child for the evening. The following week you will need to attend the club meeting with your child.