JUNE 8-15, 2024
In partnership with e3 Partners, a team from Waypoint ministered to the people of Liberia, Costa Rica:
Eighteen North Americans were mobilized in collaboration with 11 ministry partners who interpreted & worked together.
The local church, Iglesia Methodist Fuente De Gracia, was strengthened and trained to share the gospel and make disciples, which they are actively doing.
Seventy-one nationals were trained during the week, including people from the church and people at our mission sites.
Ten Houses of Peace were identified. Three of those have established 3/3’s Groups Meetings. These groups will continue to develop into churches.
The literacy rate in Central America is very high, but as people age they become unable to read since they cannot see. We were able to help 300 people by fitting them with reading glasses. These people are now able to read again.
Best of all:
The Gospel was shared 200 times door-to-door and another 75 times associated with the Eyeglass clinics.
125 people made professions of faith.
We are thankful and humbled to have been a part of this special work. Thank you Richard and Elizabeth for going to the “ends of the earth.”