What is Kids Camp, you ask?
Kids Camp is a mission trip you don’t need to leave town for! Kids Camp is just like Vacation Bible School, only BETTER! Just like VBS, boys and girls will learn about Jesus, the Bible, and God’s great love for them. But at Kids Camp, kids get to CHOOSE two activities … from sports to visual arts, from science to performing arts … there is so much! And it’s FREE!
When is Kids Camp 2025?
MARK YOUR CALENDAR NOW! Kids Camp 2025 will take place Monday, June 2 through Friday, June 6 from 6-9 pm. Volunteers will need to arrive a bit earlier (dinner provided, details to come). Decorating and set up will take place the week prior to Kids Camp, or during the day before camp, if appropriate. Clean up and tear down will, in most cases, occur immediately following.
What will I be doing at Kids Camp?
You can lead a class or be a class helper, teach a skill, coach a sport, serve snacks, help decorate, help clean up … the needs are many! The week before Kids Camp we will be decorating, setting up, and preparing for all the kids who will be our guests for the week. We will also be praying for our volunteers, our young guests, and their families. On this mission trip, you will be blessed, children will be blessed, the Gospel will be shared, and you will be able to sleep in your own bed every night! Sign up to be a Kids Camp volunteer today!