Crisis Pregnancy Support
Proverbs 31:8-9 tells us “Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy.” Whose rights need defending more than the unborn who are vulnerable to abortion? Additionally, few need our support more than struggling mothers facing judgement, financial hardships, and life-changing choices. Whispering Hope Crisis Pregnancy Center offers support and life-affirming abortion alternatives to women who find themselves unintentionally pregnant. Please prayerfully consider serving in this important local mission field.
The Mission of Whispering Hope Crisis Pregnancy Center:
Acknowledging that every human life begins at conception and is worthy of protection, Whispering Hope offers compassion, hope and help for anyone vulnerable to abortion by presenting life-affirming alternatives and support and by sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Serving Might Involve:
Helping with special events
Serving in the “Mommy Store”
Assisting with administrative tasks like data entry, filing, sorting donations, etc
If you are a medical professional, you may provide some medical care
After training you may be able work directly with moms
Donating funds and goods is also a way to help
Find out more about Whispering Hope Crisis Pregnancy Center and how you can sign up to help.
Our Waypoint Contact:
Elizabeth Oviedo