You’ll experience prayer, friendship, music of all kinds, and a message straight from the Word of God.

What to Wear
Most of us wear comfortable, casual clothing, but you may also see dresses, suits, and sometimes even a tie! Please just come as you are.

Gifts & Offerings
If you are a guest, do not feel like you need to give. Those who call North Lanier home can place their financial gifts and offerings in the baskets that are passed along each row during worship services. Giving during worship is just one way to give at NLBC.

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Because we value your family, and so that you can be at ease while you worship and study, we strive to provide a safe and secure environment for babies, children, and youth at NLBC. Each of our adult volunteers is required to undergo training, a background check, and an orientation process. We provide a check-in/check-out process and access to the children's hallway is monitored. If your child should need you while you are in worship or small group, we will text or call your cell phone.

Parking in the southern-most parking lot will give you easiest access to the Children’s area on the lower level of our building. On Sundays, our friendly volunteers will be waiting in the Children's Welcome Center, to help you check-in and find your child's classroom. Volunteers in the main Welcome Center (upper level) are available to help your middle and high school aged children find their classes.

Babies & Preschoolers (birth through pre-k)
9 am - 12 pm:
Nursery for babies
Classes for preschoolers

If you prefer to keep your young one with you during worship, then you are certainly welcome to do so. We have provided a baby-tending room for your use, should you need it. Right off the Worship Center foyer, you'll find a restroom, a changing table, rocking chairs, and a television so that you will not miss any of the service while meeting the needs of your little one.

Children (kindergarten through fourth grade)
9 am: Small Groups
10:30 am: Children's Worship

Children are always welcome to worship with their parents in the Worship Center.

Depot 56 (fifth and sixth grades)
9 am: Small Groups
10:30 am: Worship with Parents

Fifth and sixth graders have their own special needs as they transition from being children to being "tweens." Depot 56 is a Small Group Bible Study class designed for this unique age.

Student Ministry (grades seven through twelve)
9 am: Small Groups
10:30 am: Worship in the Worship Center

Students also gather for games, snacks, worship, and a message, specifically for them, at 5 pm each Sunday.