Here are some ways you can help immediately:
Donate bags of individually-wrapped candy, small prizes, stickers, etc!
Invite your friends and family. And your waiter. The bag boy, your hairdresser. Invite everybody! There are flyers in our Information Stations for you to use for this purpose. Take as many as you need.
Pray for beautiful weather, a great turnout, and, especially, that the Good News is heard and lives are saved!
Here are some ways to help with the Easter Egg Scramble. (Please sign up using the form on this page so we will know we have it covered.):
SATURDAY MORNING SET UP: Set up rooms with bags and decorating supplies, prepare our breakfast-serving area in the Children’s Welcome Center, decorate the hallways, hang signage, mark the egg scramble areas, and make sure bags of eggs are ready.
SUNDAY MORNING SET UP: Set out muffins and donuts, make coffee and other breakfast beverages.
GREETER: Wear a big ol’ smile and welcome our guests! Also, help them find their way, invite them to our worship service, and show them where we worship.
REGISTRATION: Help guests register, share printed information, and answer questions.
FOOD SERVER: Help keep the breakfast table fully stocked with food and beverages.
EGG SCRAMBLE AGE GROUP WORKER: Interact with and help direct all those beautiful children at the pre-race line up.
POST EGG SCRAMBLE CLEAN UP: Put food away, take out the trash, clean up the soccer field, return order to classrooms, put art supplies away, clean the Children’s Welcome Center, wash and put away dishes, put away decorations.
AFTER CHURCH CLEAN UP: Wrap it all up, double-check for any unfinished cleanup.
CANDY/PRIZE STATION: Exchanging found eggs for candy and prizes after each scramble.
NURSE/FIRST AID: Hopefully not needed, but just in case.
SUPPLY MUFFINS OR DONUTS: ‘Nuf said. Who doesn’t love muffins and donuts? And we’ll need a ton!
BAG DECORATING STATION: Help stir up the creative juices as kids decorate their egg-collecting bags before the races begin.
We can’t wait to see how God uses YOU to reach our young guests, their families, and our whole community! Thank you for serving!